Last month’s figures showed 120,000 Australian homeowners are now in negative equity on their mortgages, after nine straight interest rate rises by the RBA.

Another 289,125 homeowners, who bought between November 2021 and April 2022 when house prices were booming, are also right on the edge of going underwater.

Many households are experiencing serious cash-flow difficulties, which means they’re struggling to pay the interest on their mortgage each month.

If the RBA continues to lift rates and predictions of a 20 to 30 percent fall in property prices comes true, then that 120,000 will be just a drop in the bucket of what’s coming.

We could be looking at 500,000 households or more, in negative territory by the end of 2023.

Then it will simply be a question of how long people can keep servicing their debt each month, before they are forced to sell.

Either way, there’s more distress to come and, sadly, many people will struggle in 2023.

The Engineered Death of Regional Banking in Australia


According to independent research by banking writer Dale Webster, 64 percent of bank branches in regional Australia have closed since 1975.

Only 1011 ‘big four’ bank branches remain, largely clustered in major centres.

Even worse, 589 towns that once had bank branches now have no banks left at all.

Another 84 towns are on the verge of complete loss of banking services with just one major bank branch remaining.

According to APRA, Australia’s banking regulator, between June 2017 and June 2022, the number of branches went from 5,694 to 4,014.

That’s a loss of 1,680 branches – or 30 percent – in just five years.

ATM Cash machines are also being closed at a record rate.

Over 1,345 ATMs were shut down by the banks during 2021-22.

A reduction of 17 per cent in one year.

It’s not just those in the bush, either, who are bearing the brunt of all these closures.

Bank branches and ATMs are fast disappearing from suburban areas of our cities as well.

What these closures show, is that the ‘Big Four’ banks are no longer acting in ‘good faith’ towards the Australian people.

In fact, according to FSU, the banks are engaged in a deliberate campaign to ‘condition’ regional communities and older customers into accepting the gradual loss of all face-to-face banking services over the next 10 years.

Bank staff told the FSU they had been trained to steer customers towards using online banking and to implement ‘nudge strategies’ aimed at decreasing in-person visits to branches.

Staff said they faced disciplinary action and even termination, if the bank-imposed targets for digital banking weren’t met.

Banks are enforcing a ‘cashless’, automated digital banking system on Australians by stealth, while betraying their staff, customers and regional communities.

Last month, a Committee of Inquiry set up at the behest of Senator Gerard Rennick, to examine the economic and social impacts of regional branch closures.

The findings of this inquiry are due by 1 December.

Senate submissions for the inquiry are open until March 31.

I urge everyone to make a submission on the impact that these closures are having on regional communities.

Regional Australia deserves a fair go and to be treated with respect.

It does not deserve to have key services ripped out of its communities by multi-billion dollar banking monopolies, seeking to maximise bank profits and to further the ‘cashless’ agenda of their global finance masters.

That it IS a globalist agenda is evident from the way identical banking policies are currently being pushed worldwide.

How Branch Closures Affect Access to Banking Services | St. Louis Fed

Bank closures in regional Australia

On 8 February 2023, the following matter was referred to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee for inquiry and report by 1 December 2023.

The current extent of bank closures in regional Australia, with reference to:

a. the branch closure process, including the reasons given for closures;

b. the economic and welfare impacts of bank closures on customers and regional communities;

c. the effect of bank closures or the removal of face-to-face cash services on access to cash;

d. the effectiveness of government banking statistics capturing and reporting regional service levels, including the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s authorised deposit-taking institutions points of presence data;

e. consideration of solutions; and any other related matters.

Submissions close on 31 March 2023.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3511 | Email:


New Zealanders just learnt the hard way why ‘Going Cashless’ is a terrible idea


New Zealanders were left unable to pay for vital supplies, like food and water, after cash machines and digital payment systems were knocked out last week by Cyclone Gabrielle.

More than 225,000 households lost all power for several days, while some areas still had no connection 10 days later.

As has happened here in Australia, New Zealand’s banks have been deserting towns in droves the last few years, their services replaced by ATM machines that rely on electricity and the internet to work.

Which is fine when the grid is up and running I suppose, but what about when it’s not?

Even the Acting Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor, Karen Silk, was forced to admit:

“What it is showing is the importance physical cash still has today”.

“Finding options for cash recycling within communities is obviously important, and it’s been highlighted again in this situation”.

It amazes me that so many politicians and bureaucrats seem happy to bang on and on about ‘building resilience’, while doing everything they possibly can to make people as vulnerable and dependent as possible.

Why, for example, did they get rid of the old landline phones?

They didn’t need electricity or wifi to work, which meant you could use them even when the power went out?

It’s the same story with combustion engine cars, oil heaters and gas stoves/hot water systems.

All can be used without electricity, and all are on the chopping block due to NetZero madness.

They are building a world that is going to be 100 percent dependent on electricity.

There will be NO backups and NO alternatives when the grid goes down (or the government restricts supply!).

How exactly is that ‘building resilience’?

Cash is the most resilient payment system in the world, hands down. 

It doesn’t need either electricity or the internet to work.

More importantly, with cash, ‘Big Brother’ can’t track you or control how you spend your money.

As long as there is cash, things like ‘surveillance capitalism’, social impact investing (turning humans into financial instruments), digital ID and geo-fencing will remain a globalist pipedream.

If that’s something that appeals to you, then keep using cash as much as you can.

And always have a few hundred dollars in notes on hand, ‘just in case’.



Anyone who trusts PayPal with their savings is crazy. 

It’s reputation for blacklisting conservatives and libertarian groups is notorious.

In September, PayPal terminated the account of a pro-democracy group in Hong Kong, without explanation.

According to The League of Social Democrats, PayPal sent an email on 19 September 2022 stating that:

“Unfortunately, upon review of your account we have determined there to be excessive risks involved.  Therefore, we will no longer be able to provide our services to you”.

The email closed by saying the decision was “final”.

September was a busy month for the financial services platform.  It also made the news for cancelling the account of the Free Speech Union, who it said had violated its ‘Acceptable Use Policy’, although it declined to identify on what charge.

Its next move, however, was the last straw.

In October the multi-national announced that from 3 November, it would fine users $2,500, if found to be spreading “misinformation.”

“…Deliberations will be made at the “sole discretion” of PayPal and may subject the user to “damages” — including the removal of $2,500 “debited directly from your PayPal account.”

For once, news of the policy provoked howls of outrage worldwide, with tens of thousands of users immediately closing their accounts in protest.

Even after PayPal backflipped on the policy, the exodus of users from the platform continued.

According to some reports, the company lost at least 10 percent of its business within 3 weeks of sending the email.

Apart from being deeply satisfying to hear, PayPal has done everyone a huge favour by warning people exactly where things are headed should the globalist’s war on cash triumph.

Now, more than ever, it is vital that everyone make the extra effort to withdraw and USE CASH as much as possible!!

Not only can they not track it, or generate data from it, but it is the only thing standing between us and the complete loss of our freedoms and rights.

#keepcash  #savecash  #usecash


Last week the Palaszczuk Government committed another $62 billion to its planned green energy revolution in Queensland.

Where are they getting all the money from?  Does anybody know?  Because Treasury sure as hell doesn’t have it!

It used to be that if you put a program into effect, you had to explain how you were going to pay for it.

Not anymore.

Now governments just ‘pull more cash from the future into the now’, as the debt-based economic model keeps chugging along.

But its starting to look like the end is nigh for all our free-wheeling, big-spending governments.

Worldwide, inflation is spiking, consumer demand cratering and global markets imploding.

Not just some markets – ALL of them.  Commodities, stocks, bonds, real estate, currency, the lot.

Stocks alone have plunged $12 trillion since January.  A loss of nearly 30 percent.

The world is in the grip of a serious liquidity crisis and eventually something is going to break.

The clues are everywhere.

Take currencies.  Just about every major currency is crashing against the US dollar right now, and I mean crashing.

Some are down 10, 20 even 30 percent.

Last week the UK pound plummeted five percent in a single day against the dollar.  That’s the sign of something breaking right there.  The sound of a rivet popping out of a ship’s hull under pressure.

The bond market is also tanking.  It is being sold off and sold hard.  That’s because people need the cash more than they need to hold bonds, so tank they go.

Last week the Bank of England capitulated and restarted quantitative easing.  It was forced to intervene after a massive sell-off created huge instability in the bond (debt) markets over there.

Meanwhile global asset prices have lost 29 trillion dollars in 2022, give or take.  That’s huge.

What caused this massive asset bubble?  Central banks printing money!

Now they’ve stopped and prices are plummeting.

It’s the same with real estate.  The 30-year mortgage rate is spiking and house prices are sinking lower and lower.

It’s 2008 all over again.

Only this time we don’t just have a housing bubble to worry about, its stocks, bonds and commodities in a bubble as well.

If they all crack, we are in serious trouble.

None of it is ‘by accident’.

Since 2008, central banks have been printing money at breakneck speed, flooding the market with liquidity and now they’re taking it all away.

People everywhere are buried beyond their wildest dreams in debt.  Debt they can never, ever pay back.

This hyper bubble in debt has created a human bubble and there is going to be a terrible price to pay for all this.

A terrible price.


On 25 August 2022, Net Zero Australia (NZA) released an interim report detailing various scenarios for Australia successfully reaching Net Zero by 2050.

The group, including University of Queensland, University of Melbourne, Princeton University and Nous Group, estimate that Australian governments will need to spend between $100 and $150 billion a year in order to phase out fossil fuel generators in favour of renewable energy.

In terms of providing a comprehensive ‘cost-benefit analysis’, however, the NZA report fails to properly assess the true impact involved in in terms of costs, lifestyle and land use.

Instead, the report relies heavily on the use of ‘models’ and a set of extremely ‘iffy’ assumptions that fail to stand up to scrutiny.

The Chair of the Net Zero Steering Committee, Robin Batterham, said:

“Our findings show there are no two ways about it – to meet net zero by 2050, AUSTRALIA MUST TRANSFORM.”

He got that part right.

Net Zero will mean a complete transformation of Australia.

We are looking at 30 years of intense social and economic disruption, greatly diminished living standards and the imposition of a command economy.

In terms of electricity capacity alone, Australia’s grid will need to be almost three times bigger by 2050.

Most homes and buildings will need to be rewired, as will the mains fuse, street distribution and local substations.

The cost of electricity will skyrocket in order to repay these major capital costs over the lifetime of the assets.

More importantly, it is all going to take an extraordinary amount of land.

And I am not talking about land in the remote outback either.

These industrial scale renewables structures will have to be sited on land close to the cities and towns they are intended to power.

The public simply has no idea how much land use this will involve.

Solar and wind farms alone will eliminate farmland, vegetation, forests and disrupt natural habitats.

Once you add biofuel to the mix, then there’s pretty much ALL your good land gone.

This is only a tiny fraction of what ‘Net Zero’ will involve.

Australian governments and policymakers need to start being honest with the public about the true cost of this transformation, and the extent to which it will radically alter their individual lives, lifestyles, mobility, finances, property rights and jobs.

Net Zero is an idea that you could only believe possible if you have no idea how the energy economy works or how energy is produced.

Thanks A MILLION Queensland State Government for delivering a record allocation $381.24 million some of which is in shared services for neighbouring electorates but will support the Mirani Electorate – 3rd in a row!

Shout out to the Minister, Glenn Butcher MP$40.4 million for the new Mt Morgan Water Pipeline. This was my special project – the one every political person said I’d never get!
The Queensland Minister Glenn Butcher MP, called me aside before he walked into the House to deliver the Budget, to discuss the delivery of the pipeline project, such a great outcome for Mount Morgan, we just need to sort the Fitzroy Agricultural Corridor next.
I am grateful to Minister Dick, Minister Mark Bailey MP Minister Mick de Brenni for:
$20.6m   Sarina Hospital
$4.5m     Ooralea Trade Training Centre
$15m       Mackay Ring Road, Stage 1
$122.9m Rookwood Weir
$59.4m   Rockhampton Ring Road
$56.5m   Walkerston Bypass
$50.4m   Stanwell Power Station overhaul
Two programs to support the Mirani people thanks to the Health Minister Yvette D’Ath MP:
$6.8m     Homelessness Services, Rockhampton and Mackay
$4.1m     Mental Health Services, both areas.
This is about 50 percent more than last year; also a record.
This is what being a Member of Parliament is all about – getting the best outcome for the electorate!
Thank you Minister Grace Grace MP
$300K    Bouldercombe State School
$200k     Dundula State School
$1.5m      Kinchant Dam Outdoor Centre
$930k     Maintenance for schools in the Mirani electorate
$436k     Minor Works for schools in the Mirani electorate
$200k     Mount Morgan State High School
$250k     Swayneville State School
Not all of the budget has good news for our Electorate, the Coal Industry will be hit hard with the progressive royalty tiers. Understanding how this will affect the Industry when implemented is yet to be fully realised.


Remember in 2020 when EXPERTS told us that, contrary to what we were all taught in the past, mountains of government debt was actually a good thing?

It was called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and it all hung together beautifully in the models.

Well you don’t hear much about MMT anymore.

Not since inflation started skyrocketing and central banks began hiking their interest rates.

This month, Australia’s RBA raised interest rates to 0.85% and Goldman Sachs says it could hit 2.6% by year’s end.

Which makes RBA’s actions incredibly reckless, in my book.

Property and household debt are pretty much the only thing still driving this country’s economy.

We generate no real wealth, create no productive jobs, while private investment and wage growth have been stagnant for decades.

Where is the national productivity agenda?  There is none.

Australia is now a ‘service’ economy – ‘services’ and the longest running property bubble in history!

In 2020, the Treasurer said gross government debt would be $1.1 trillion by June 2024.

According to Treasury’s models, the total interest payable on all that debt was predicted to be $113 billion by June 2025, or close to $20 billion each year.

There’s just one tiny problem.

The  models were calculated on the ‘assumption’ that there would be A STEADILY FALLING INTEREST RATE ACROSS THAT PERIOD!

Which as everyone knows, didn’t happen. Instead of falling, interest rates have tripled.

So instead of having to pay around $20 billion in interest each year, the federal government could be looking at $60 billion.

And despite what MMT theorists believe, governments absolutely MUST pay their annual debt interest payments – or the whole house of cards collapses.

Imagine if interest rates do hit that 2.6% Goldman Sachs has predicted.  We could be looking at an annual interest bill ten times the amount predicted in 2020.

Even at $60 billion, Australia’s interest bill would be the Government’s third largest expenditure item behind health and aged income support, according to the IPA.

And remember! Australia’s Big Four Banks are 60-70% exposed to the property sector.  Even a moderate run of defaults could finish them.

And here’s the kicker.

Under the Financial Claims Scheme Guarantee, deposits of $1 million or below with Australian-owned banks, building societies, credit unions and even Australian subsidiaries of foreign-owned banks are automatically guaranteed by the Federal Government!

That means if the property market collapses and some or all of the banks crash, guess who’s on the hook to bail them out?  The Federal Government.

It would bankrupt the country.

Let’s hope the RBA knows what its doing!


The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) recently announced the creation of an Asia-Pacific (APAC) Network in Singapore to help the region “address the transition to net zero”.

For those not paying attention, GFANZ is the new ‘world bankers alliance’ which committed $AUD176 trillion towards building a new “net zero” economy at last year’s COP26.

It is the brainchild of Mark Carney, John Kerry, billionaire Michael Bloomberg, the Rockefeller Foundation, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, and its members include over 450 of the world’s biggest banks, asset owners, insurers and fund managers.

Under the guise of “net zero” and ‘saving the planet, this conglomeration of global capital say they want to create a whole new financial system with total, centralised control held by them.

In order to bring it all about, GFANZ have created “country platforms” which they describe in typical Davos style as a mechanism for ‘stakeholder capitalism’ and “public-private collaboration”.

By their definition, these platforms will “convene and align stakeholders – including national and international governments, businesses, NGOs, civil society organisations, donors and other actors – around a specific issue or geography to agree on and co-ordinate priorities around”.

The power of all those trillions will be used to force national governments into launching whatever projects, policies or investments GFANZ deems necessary for that country to ‘reach net zero’.

That’s what John Kerry and co-Chair Michael Bloomberg mean when they talk of “needing national governments to create the necessary conditions so these investments can take place”.

In GFANZ inaugural Progress Report, this is emphasised again and again, with references to pressuring governments into creating ‘high-level cross-cutting enabling environments’; ‘investment friendly business environments’ and ‘pipelines of bankable investment opportunities’.

Essentially, “stakeholder capitalism” models give global capital a seat at the table when it comes to national decision-making, as well as the formulation of laws and regulations around their activities.

It will be they and they alone who get to decide who gains access to this $176 trillion they’ve created out of nothing, and what its used for in each country.

Of course everything will be cloaked in the usual ‘green’ collectivist propaganda about needing to ‘save the planet’.

But the reality is, if we go along with this, we won’t be saving the planet, we will be handing it over on a silver platter to a billionaire-bankster cartel, and there’ll be no getting it back.

That the ‘left’ can’t see what a huge land, resource and power grab this all is by global capital, is simply astonishing.


Bloomberg, the IMF and Bank of International Settlements all recently released reports saying that 90% of the world’s central banks are planning to introduce a new form of currency called Central Bank Digital Currencies or CBDCs.

What these reports barely mention and what no politician, banker or journalist will tell you, is that the single most defining feature of CBDCs, is that they are a form of currency that is programmable.

That makes CBDCs – along with Digital ID – the biggest existential threat to human  freedom humanity has ever faced.

You would think this would make CBDCs a hot topic during Australia’s federal election, given our RBA is one of the central banks making plans for a CBDC roll-out.

But if you thought that, you’d be wrong.  Instead, we’ve had wall to wall crickets on the subject from anyone in government or the media.

They’re not stupid, of course.  They all know that to get CBDCs past a sleeping populace, they must tread very, very softly.

So for all those sleeping Australians out there, let me spell it out for you: –


It’s that simple.

It is a form of currency that can be programmed to only activate in certain areas, for a certain time period or once a citizen has met certain pre-conditions.

CBDCs offer governments the ultimate ‘nudge’ tool for enforcing behaviour change on its citizens.

It will start off with ‘rewards’ for ‘good behaviour’ but we all know where that game ends – with penalties and punishments for those who don’t comply.

Deducting a percentage from your wages to “fight climate change” – no problem!

What about imposing financial sanctions because you didn’t get this month’s booster shot, or you drank too much, ate too much or drove your car today?

You only have to look at the recent Canadian truckers’ protest to see what a ‘democratic State’ is now prepared to do to anyone who opposes them.

CBDCs can be adjusted to restrict access to a particular area – say 5 kms of your home.  If you try to go to a shop 5.1 kilometres away, the algorithm will shut down access because you’re outside your permitted zone.

It’s called geofencing and will be brought to you courtesy of Elon Musk’s Starlink system and 5G.

The CBDC algorithm can also be adjusted to only allow you to buy certain items, at certain times, or from certain shops.

The levers for control will be limitless.

When the State wields that kind over power over you, that’s the end of human freedom as far as I’m concerned.