Anyone who trusts PayPal with their savings is crazy. 

It’s reputation for blacklisting conservatives and libertarian groups is notorious.

In September, PayPal terminated the account of a pro-democracy group in Hong Kong, without explanation.

According to The League of Social Democrats, PayPal sent an email on 19 September 2022 stating that:

“Unfortunately, upon review of your account we have determined there to be excessive risks involved.  Therefore, we will no longer be able to provide our services to you”.

The email closed by saying the decision was “final”.

September was a busy month for the financial services platform.  It also made the news for cancelling the account of the Free Speech Union, who it said had violated its ‘Acceptable Use Policy’, although it declined to identify on what charge.

Its next move, however, was the last straw.

In October the multi-national announced that from 3 November, it would fine users $2,500, if found to be spreading “misinformation.”

“…Deliberations will be made at the “sole discretion” of PayPal and may subject the user to “damages” — including the removal of $2,500 “debited directly from your PayPal account.”

For once, news of the policy provoked howls of outrage worldwide, with tens of thousands of users immediately closing their accounts in protest.

Even after PayPal backflipped on the policy, the exodus of users from the platform continued.

According to some reports, the company lost at least 10 percent of its business within 3 weeks of sending the email.

Apart from being deeply satisfying to hear, PayPal has done everyone a huge favour by warning people exactly where things are headed should the globalist’s war on cash triumph.

Now, more than ever, it is vital that everyone make the extra effort to withdraw and USE CASH as much as possible!!

Not only can they not track it, or generate data from it, but it is the only thing standing between us and the complete loss of our freedoms and rights.

#keepcash  #savecash  #usecash

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