The Isaac Regional Council is taking final submissions on its new planning scheme (submissions close on 20 July 2020). As the State Member for Mirani, I am making the below submission and I publish it here so you can see what my feedback on the scheme and, if you wish, you can copy and paste (make any edits you wish) and make a submission yourself. They just need to be emailed to by 5pm on Monday, 20 July 2020.
Office of the Mayor
Isaac Regional Council
PO Box 94
Dear Cr Baker,
What is being proposed by the Council amounts to little more than a policy of “planned retreat” that will ultimately see the relocation of human habitation out of coastal, rural and forest areas and into sustainable, affordable, communal, urban ‘live where you work’ hubs that virtually every Environmental Minister since 1990 has advocated and legislated for in this State.
No shacks on the beach, no sole occupancy detached dwellings, no family homes, no backyards, no pets and definitely no living in the hills or bush or by a stream in your old age. Just communal living in low rise unit developments everywhere, with as small a ‘human footprint’ as they can get away with forcing on us.
The proposed changes to Planning contained in the new scheme are part and parcel of an ongoing program of transformative and radical change through the use of stealth and incrementalism. A program that is being carried out in Australia at a Federal, State and Local level. It relies on the strategic presumption that small changes brought in gradually will not provoke community protest action or media attention until it is too late.
The introduction of four new hazard zone mapping overlays for coast, fire, dust and flood will have a devastating impact on the Isaac Region’s economy and its capacity for future growth. For landholders, the adverse impacts will be many, ranging from growing restrictions on access and uses of land in the region, to other issues around insurance and legal liability, increased costs and an overall reduction in property and resale value.
These mapping overlays have been shown to be excessively broad in their zoning designations and through Public consultation meetings at Clairview, Stephen Andrew State Member for Mirani was informed by the presenting Cardno Engineers the mapping overlays were in error by 48% (They were only half right).
The Member also requested information at that meeting, concerning what an increased compliment of renewables/reduction of current emissions would have on the predictive water rises and was afforded no answers..
So renewable implementation has not been taken into consideration, why not? Greenhous Gas emissions are supposed to be central to Climate Change temperatures and therefore directly related to Sea Level Rise predictions, which suggests these predictions are built on fiction, not hard facts.
Under these overlays, and Government’s propensity for expanding their boundaries, almost every property in the Region will ultimately be at risk of inclusion in the new Hazard zones. This means every resident of the Isaac Region should be concerned with the direction this scheme is going in. At this rate, we are going to see a complete lockdown of the bush and coast, with many areas highly regulated and taxed, and others completely restricted and off limits.
The new Scheme is neither proportionate or democratic in response to the various inflated ‘climate change’ risk assessments contained in the mapping overlays.
In fact, the erosion of Farmers’ Property Rights as a result of the State’s Vegetation Management laws will look like ‘child’s play’ compared to what will happen should these draconian changes be passed.
Common law ‘property rights’ as we and our forefathers understood them will be rendered meaningless. At this rate, owning a property will become so loaded down with restrictions and additional costs that there will be no incentive or reason to own property anymore.
The whole idea of a democracy is that you elect representatives who will follow the public’s lead on what is right for the country and their region, but this isn’t what we’re seeing in Queensland anymore. In the case of this new Planning Scheme, the people of Isaac Region are no longer telling their public officials what they want or need done, they are being told what their public officials want done and how. All to further a collectivist Green Agenda, bent on revolutionising land access, use and management in Queensland, whether Queenslanders like it or not.
I ask that the Council scrap the proposed changes to the Isaac Regional Council Planning laws for the good of the community and the State.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Stephen Andrew
Member for Mirani
it seems they can,t get the heights right either St lawrence is 18Mts above the Datem point and Cleairview is almost zero and the difference in building height is minimal why the truth is its geting made up and not even hypothetical but speculated
Seems to me mate that all a petson has to do is get a job with Council and tgdy can do what they want!