BBC Radio broadcast a controversial address by the British PM, Winston Churchill on 4 June 1945.

The broadcast was slammed by the press, who accused Churchill of “trying to make Britain’s flesh creep” and “lending himself to cheap tricks”.

One simply said it would “go down in history as Mr Churchill’s crazy broadcast”.

Churchill had warned of covert ‘forces within government’ which, as the war ended, were: “ATTEMPTING TO IMPOSE A VAST REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE ON THE WHOLE LIFE AND STRUCTURE OF BRITAIN” and “subjugate the rights and freedom of the individual to an arch-bureaucracy”.

An arch-bureaucracy which threatened, not just “British enterprise”, but the “right of every man and woman to breathe freely without a harsh, clumsy, tyrannical hand clasped over their mouth and nostrils”.

The new system would be “deeply antithetical to freedom” and “inseparably interwoven with totalitarianism and abject worship of the State.  It not only strikes at property in all its forms, but challenges liberty.  Look how, even today, they hunger for controls of every kind”.

“There will be one State, which will be the arch-employer, arch-planner, arch-administrator and arch-ruler”.

“How is the ordinary citizen to stand up against this formidable machine”, which “once in power, would prescribe for every-one where to work, what to work at, what views they were to hold, where to queue up for the State ration, and what education their children were to receive to mould their views on human liberty and conduct in the future.”

Its rulers, he said, “could not afford to suffer opposition”. “A free Parliament” was “odious” to them.

They would: “curtail Parliamentary procedure and pass laws simply by resolutions on broad principle, which afterwards would be left to the EXECUTIVE AND BUREAUCRATS TO ELABORATE AND ENFORCE BY DEPARTMENTAL REGULATIONS.”

“I will go further and say that no such system could be established without a political police.”

“It could not afford to allow free, sharp or violently-worded expressions of public discontent.  It would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, NO DOUBT VERY HUMANELY DIRECTED AT FIRST.”

“It would nip opinion in the bud.  It would stop criticism as it reared its head, and would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders rising like stately pinnacles over their vast bureaucracies of civil servants, no longer servants and no longer civil.”

“And where would ordinary simple citizens — the common people — be, once this mighty organism had them in its grip?” Churchill asked.

Permanently suppressed by the “harsh, clumsy, tyrannical hand clasped over their mouths and nostrils”.

A warning very reminiscent of Orwell’s in1984:

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever”.

1 reply
  1. Felicity Steiner
    Felicity Steiner says:

    He was right.
    If we look thoroughly over history, we were headed there then, and we’re well down that road now.
    Everyday people are being treated as puppets, sadly many are dancing to the tune of the strings.
    What beggars belief, to me, is that those pulling the strings of everyday people seem to be oblivious to the fact they’re dancing to the strings of a higher puppet master… and ARE expendable.
    Also look at how the major puppeteers control the world with money… or more to the point, debt.
    They were financing both sides of wars then, I doubt much has changed.
    They worship money and control, therefore they will continue as the had, generation on generation … intertwined world wide. It doesn’t take much to see the connections or the ‘bowing’.


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