Stephen Andrew question regarding COVID deaths
We need a proper, grown-up discussion on the reliability of COVID-19 death numbers. Yesterday, Queensland Health released the Minister’s responses to MPs’ ‘Questions on Notice’ for this week’s Health Estimates Hearings.
My question was on Covid deaths in Queensland. I asked:
1. Would the Minister advise:
(a) How many people who died in Queensland during 2020/21 and had Covid-19 listed on their Death Certificate had prior co-morbidities;
(b) Whether any of the Covid-19 cases detected or ‘deaths’ in Queensland since 1 January 2021, had received a vaccination against the virus; and
(c) What payments have been made to residential care facilities and hospitals involved in managing the care of patients who dies with Covid-19 listed on their death certificate.
COVID death answer
Here’s the answer I got back:
The response confirms that ALL Queensland’s Covid-19 deaths involved the existence “of co-morbidities” – whether cancer, brain tumours, Alzheimers, heart disease etc.
In 2020, for the first time in history, new guidelines were issued by the WHO and CDC, for the recording of Covid-19 deaths on death certificates. Until 2020, if someone died of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, while also testing positive to one of the various viral respiratory diseases, those respiratory disease were never listed as the primary cause of death. They were always put on a separate line underneath, and noted as a ‘contributory’ factor, NOT the primary cause of death.
Since Covid, however, anyone suspected (not even confirmed) of having had COVID-19 when they died, are counted as ‘Covid-19 deaths’.
It is vital that people understand this, or they will have a completely distorted view of the real ‘relative risk rate’ posed by the Sars2 virus.
According to the CDC, just 6% of the deaths that have been attributed to COVID over the past 18 months were deaths where COVID-19 was the primary cause of death. If those guidelines had NOT been changed – those death rates would all be 94% less than the numbers we are being given.
Compounding all this muddying of the waters, was the decision early on by world authorities, not to carry out post-mortem testing on those ‘suspected’ of having died with Covid-19, to see if they really did or not. This raised even more doubts around the scientific accuracy of fatality counts for Covid-19.
What has happened to science in Australia?
Why does anyone who questions Public Health diktats get censored and vitriolic levels of abuse thrown at them? Is public health our new religion now? Because whenever someone talks about “science being settled” then, trust me, we are dealing with uncritical dogma, NOT science.
“Test Everything”!
Great job. Steven, keep fighting for the truth.
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi