Ever wondered why agriculture is slammed by governments while private jets, mega-yachts and space rockets are never mentioned?

Or why no-one demonises big emitters like the pharmaceutical industry, or the US military, whose emissions dwarf those of entire nations like Denmark and Portugal?

It’s called ‘Double Standards’ and the Green agenda is littered with them.

Take, for example, ‘Smart Oceans’ and the ‘Internet of Underwater Things” (IoUT).

For two decades, governments, NGOs, researchers, big tech, climate scientists and the military have been building a vast underwater ‘smart grid’, made up of subsea sensor networks, sonar wi-fi, GPS, Li-Fi, lasers, acoustic modems, remotely charged underwater drones and magnetic induction – aimed at strip-mining data from the world’s oceans.

Huge grid installations, resembling HAARP arrays, are positioned on the ocean floor transmitting horizontally and vertically to satellites which communicate with computer monitoring systems all over the world.

These new underwater modems are producing frequencies as powerful as 202 decibels, equivalent to 139 decibels on land. For comparison, noise levels above 85 decibels are regarded as harmful to humans while heavy rock concerts are around 120 decibels.

All done in the name of climate change, sea-level monitoring, pollution control, water treatment, species tracking, weather surveillance, wave science, coral reef harvesting, tectonic plate monitoring, navigation, rare earth mining and military communications.

This year’s Oceanology International Conference featured hundreds of thousands of tiny autonomous underwater drones working together like a Hive to carry out underwater surveillance activity.

The goal is to flood every corner of the world’s oceans with multiple configurations of sonar-delivered data and 5G enabled devices engaged in non-stop surveillance activities.

According to Dr Hyun-Cheol Song of Korea’s Electronic Materials Research Centre, who spoke at last year’s COP26:

“There is no-one counting the devastating impacts that will take place once the smart ocean is fully installed and operating.”

“Marine organisms are highly electrosensitive” she said.

“They use naturally occurring magnetic fields to navigate, orientate and sense prey, mates and predators”.  Magnetising their environment with 5G, wi-fi and sonar is clearly going to have an enormously destructive impact on them.

Then there are the studies showing how extremely low frequency and low intensity magnetic fields have adverse impacts on the water itself.

In particular low intensity magnetic fields were found to significantly reduce the oxygen and co2 levels in the water to “below the limit required to satisfy the needs of successful fish production as per ANZECC 2000”.

Could this be what’s really behind the problem of ‘oxygen depletion’ in our oceans?

Who knows?

UNESCO, WEF, WWF, Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd are all silent on the issue.

Like I said, double standards…

The effect of electromagnetic field on water and fish Clarias Garpienus, Zagazig, Egypt

SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Ocean and Earth



I am yet to hear a single member of Australia’s mainstream corporate media, speak out in defence of Julian Assange, or his rights as a citizen and journalist.

Many prefer to discredit and demean him in the public’s mind at every opportunity.

One reason for this is because Julian Assange is, and always was, an ‘outsider’.

And ‘outsiders’ are the ‘enemy du jour’ of Australia’s increasingly authoritarian establishment class.

Not only are ‘outsiders’ difficult to control, many simply refuse to go along with the ‘ruling consensus’ on any given topic.

Even worse, most display an unhealthy obsession with ‘uncovering the truth’ and debating the issues.

The Australian media wants none of that.

They would far rather protect their own ‘insider’ role as purveyors OF the ‘consensus’, than stand up for an outsider like Assange, who dedicated his life to EXPOSING its lies and corruptions.

Someone, incidentally, who produced more breaking major stories than ALL Australia’s journalists combined.

At the end of the day, unless you are ONE OF THEM, human rights and press freedom just don’t apply.

Which begs the question – by what right do these media ‘gatekeepers’, and their government-corporate overlords, get to decide who is and isn’t a journalist?

EVERY citizen has the right to call themselves a ‘journalist’ once they take on the role of reporting vital facts and information that is in the ‘public interest’.

It should NOT be an honour bestowed on you by a select group of ‘insiders’, who like to pose as a highly credentialed ‘priesthood’ class within the establishment power structure.

That is NOT how a free and open democracy is supposed to work.

The same goes for those within Australia’s two major parties, who have been just as silent on Assange’s plight – bar one or two notable exceptions, like One Nation’s George Christensen.

Today it is the members of One Nation and all the other minor parties and independents, who make up this country’s last group of true ‘political outsiders’.

That’s why the establishment classes hate us so much and why they have joined forces to make sure we are all sidelined and silenced in this election.

None have dedicated themselves to making sure this happens, than the very same hostile media establishment who have for years ignored the persecution of Australia’s ultimate outsider – Julian Assange.