State of Emergency powers

Stephen Andrew statement on State of Emergency powers

Well as most of you probably already know, the Public Health Extension of Emergency Powers Bill was passed by the Queensland Parliament today. With the passing of the Bill, the Chief Health Officer’s extraordinary state of emergency powers under the Public Health Act, have been extended another 8 months to 30 April 2022. These are the powers that are being used to close businesses, churches, theatres and restaurants – issue mask mandates, border closures, mandatory QR sign-in, travel bans, strict social distancing rules and other measures.
Under the original Act, these powers were strictly time-limited and set to expire after only 14 days. By 30 April 2022, they will have been in place for more than 2 years, with no guarantee they won’t be extended again after that.
In fact, judging by some of the statements made today by the Health Minister, I would say the chances of another extension past 30 April 2022 are pretty high. The continuation of these laws is such a radical departure from our liberal and democratic traditions that I feel strongly that an urgent Inquiry or Review needs to be carried out, particularly in relation to all the legal, constitutional and human rights implications which have never been properly addressed.
Amendments to the Bill, which were supported by the LNP and all the Crossbench members, including myself, were tossed out and the Bill passed with the support of the LNP, although no actual vote was counted.
Knowing that many businesses and industries will close and Queensland’s mental health crisis worsen, with the passing of this Bill, is gut-wrenching. Members were all only given a few short minutes to say anything because the Government made drastic cuts to the time available for debate on the Bill.
I am posting a link to the comments I made on the Bill today during the short debate – see below for link.
It is a sad day, however – especially for all the small businesses and their workers who will suffer income and job losses as a result of this long extension of the Government’s power to force shutdowns at the drop of a hat – While allowing large wealthy retailers and sporting arenas to stay open as normal.
My thoughts are with all of them tonight.

5 replies
  1. Tracy
    Tracy says:

    I want to know WHY nsw has had its state of emergency extended for 28 days fro 18 October and has “apparently “ lots of cases of COVID. Qld has had its state of emergency extended for 8 months with little or none COVID cases. I smell even more corruption.

  2. Sharon
    Sharon says:

    What a crock, this govt is so corrupt, I can’t wait for the day this whole empire comes tumbling down, and those premiers and their minions are jailed for crimes against humanity.

  3. Jules
    Jules says:

    I expect the evil plandemic will continue for years because of all the clueless, obedient masses. Convid is a lame cover for whatever is really going on (many theories – and presumably at least one of them will be true).

  4. Jason
    Jason says:

    These desperate measures fly in the face of today’s astrology! I guess you could say it’s like pushing in the wrong direction and for all the wrong reasons but here we are and this is what we have to deal with! Considering for the last two years there have only been 83 deaths attributed to COVID-19 a virus that can’t be isolated or presented before a judge beggars belief that people still turn on the television and allow themselves to be hypnotised by combinations of red and blue coupled with a hefty dose of fear.


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