Under the guise of saving nature, the Albanese government has signed Australia up to one of the biggest land grabs in history.

Dubbed 30 by 30, the goal is to set aside 30 percent of Australia’s land mass within a National Reserve System by 2030.

And thirty percent is just the beginning. 

30 by 30 grew out of a thesis by the eugenicist Dr Edward O Wilson of Harvard University, who maintained that humans should occupy no more than one half of the earth – and not the best half either.

His mantra was “Nature needs half”.

The ultimate goal, therefore, is to lock away 50 percent of the earth by 2050.

For decades, Australian governments have pursued policies harmful to agriculture and a productive economy.

30 by 30 will take this to the next level.

Setting aside that much land and water for conservation will ultimately destroy food production and regional economies.

It will mean a massive expansion of national parks, marine exclusion zones, wildlife refuges, wilderness areas, conservation easements, rural road and stock route closures and Indigenous Protected Areas.

Eventually, all human activity will simply be removed from these areas, including stock grazing, mining, timber production and all forms of recreational and Indigenous land use.

That’s something seldom mentioned.  Indigenous land use.

For 30 by 30 to work, the government will need Australia’s Traditional Land-owners to surrender all rights to access and use of the land held in their name.

This dispossession of Indigenous rights has been hidden behind endless platitudes about “treaties”, “conservation management agreements” and letting them “have a say” in what is happening, but the sub-text is clear.

30 by 30’s goal will restrict ALL human access to the land and waterways – and not just ‘whitey’.

That’s why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, more than anyone else, should be raising hell about 30 by 30.

All the platitudes, treaties and ‘compensations’ in the world, will be nothing beside the permanent loss of their sovereign right to roam over and use the land itself.

The roots of 30 by 30 lie in a radical green agenda called the “Wildlands Project”, from the 1990s.

The Project’s goal is to move humans into highly controlled, and restrictive ‘human settlement zones’, leaving most of the continent off limits.

It’s a ‘bait and switch’ aimed at removing people’s private property rights and placing control in the hands of an elite band of unelected technocrats, NGOs and their billionaire sugar daddies.

All done by stealth using the old Fabian tactic of ‘step-change’.

Once 2030 rolls around, much harsher ‘targets’ will be set for 2040 and 2050.

Each benchmark geared towards gently easing the human race into perpetual serfdom.


Farming is one of the State’s oldest and most valuable industries and over the past 7 years we have seen it slowly being strangled by the Palaszczuk Government.

Queensland farmers face some of the tightest restrictions on agricultural land and water use in the world.

Now there are signs that the Government is preparing to go after farmers yet again.

The impact of imposing more restrictions on farmers could prove fatal this time around.

For more than a decade, Queensland farmers have worked hard to successfully address a wide range of environmental issues in the industry.

Across the board, farmers are using improved farm management practices to reduce nutrient and chemical usage as well as farm runoff.

Given that the principal causes of water pollution are industry and cities, particularly their sewage systems, more restrictions on agriculture will have a negligible impact on water quality but a HUGE impact on farm yields and profitability.

Nitrogen is an element essential for life, which Australian soil lacks, along with a number of other important minerals.

No science is provided to explain at what point the quantity of nitrogen becomes poisonous.

The whole thing is ludicrous.

I am yet to see any of these technocrats go after far more obvious and symbolically important targets, such as private jets and mega yachts.

Nor do I hear them criticising massive polluters like Big Pharma, Big Tech or the military-industrial complex, whose emissions utterly dwarf any savings that might come from continuing to slam farmers.

It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that there is a dedicated push going on to simply drive Queensland farmers out of business.

Presumably so the government can scoop up their valuable properties and lock them away in its ‘protected area network’ or redevelop the land for industrial wind and solar.

Either way, Labor appears determined to shut down agriculture and hand food production over to urban-based precision farming and high-tech manufacturers of ‘food-like’ substances made from God knows what.

Who will own these facilities?

Big pharma and predatory billionaires like Bill Gates and Andrew Forrest no doubt.

At this rate we will see them depopulate the countryside, destroy our environment and end our way of life, long before 2030 rolls around.

If this was really about the environment, the government would work with farmers to implement measures gradually, over time.

Instead we have this mad rush by fanatical greens to enforce an ideological agenda that has little to do with climate change OR the environment.

An agenda reliant on junk science and a callous indifference to the well-being of Queenslanders.