In September 2021, the Rockefeller Foundation, New York Stock Exchange, Aberdare Ventures and Inter-American Development Bank, announced a new publicly tradable security called a ‘Natural Asset Company’ (NAC).

A NAC basically involves governments putting up their country’s natural assets for sale.

A piece of nature, like a protected area, forest or lake, is ‘valued’, assigned a price tag and then converted into financial capital and launched as an IPO (initial public offering) on the stock exchange.

The NAC (a state or federal government) no longer ‘owns’ the asset – institutional investors and hedge funds do!

That means global asset managers like BlackRock, who already own almost everything, could end up owning every piece of nature as well – basically what used to be regarded as the ‘commons’ – ie belonging to all.

Everything has its price when it comes to the Eco-Industrial Complex.

Proceeds from the NAC initial public offering (IPO) will be used by governments to manage the natural asset, with anything left over put towards buying more ‘protected’ natural assets to sell off.

NACs, we are told, will unlock $4 quadrillion in natural assets.

Can you imagine the feeding frenzy this will unleash?

Billionaires everywhere will be rushing to buy up the rights to clean water, clean air and fish-laden rivers, lakes and streams.

How about a snow-capped mountain or maybe an entire forest?

Hell they could end up buying the Great Barrier Reef with Uluru tossed in as a bonus!

The possibilities are endless.

Something as despicable as a NAC shouldn’t be allowed in a democracy.

Which is no help of course, since there isn’t a single democracy left on the planet.

Just a few dictators and a bunch of fascist corporatocracies.

Remember how we all tutt-tutted over African dictators looting their nations to the tune of billions in the 80s?

Well now we’ll get to witness it first-hand from the comfort of our own country.

So, let’s cut the crap.

Slapping a price tag on Nature is NOT ‘sustainable’ OR eco-friendly.

It’s straight up theft of the ‘commons’.

Do “green” ideologues seriously believe that global capital, rebranded as “stakeholder capitalists”, are actually going to ‘save’ Nature?

Can they actually be THAT stupid?

Call me crazy but I don’t trust governments and I sure as hell don’t trust transnational bankers or investment trusts.

I also don’t believe that any corporation, billionaire or globalist NGO should have the right or ability to “own” something as permanent as a mountain.


Turns out there is a lot more to the Dutch farmers’ protest than meets the eye.

Many farmers are convinced that the government’s massive land grab has less to do with reducing nitrogen emissions and everything to do with plans to transform the Netherlands into a giant, sprawling metropolis called the TriState City.

The TriState area will cover the WHOLE of the Netherlands and large parts of Germany and Belgium as well.

The ultimate goal is for TriState to become the capital of a new ‘globo-homogenised’ European continent, made up of high density housing, EVs, bike paths and food “manufacturing” hubs.

Any natural areas left over will be used as renewable energy platforms for powering the gigantic new “City-State”.

It would mean the end of the Netherlands as a separate country, with the Dutch people’s own unique culture, heritage and way of life lost forever.

Instead, they and many other Europeans are to be herded into the TriState’s ‘sustainable’, densely packed residences – akin to barracks.

There will be “green space” but NO “free space”.

Inspired by the UN’s Agenda 2030, WEF’s “Cities of Tomorrow” and the EU’s Cities2030, a primary goal of the TriState will be for food to be produced within the confines of the smart cities.

It seems “sustainable” cities means “transforming the way we produce, transport, supply, recycle and RE-USE food”.

Partners of ‘Cities2030 include the Gates-funded “Food Future Institute”, and BIOZOON, a company that has nothing to do with natural, organic farming and everything to do with GMO food and lab-made meat.

In order to make all this a reality, however, a lot of land is going to be needed.

Land that the state doesn’t own – the farmers do.

And it’s not just farmers either.  The Dutch government is now talking of raising property taxes from 0.45 percent to 2.45 percent.  Anything to make it harder for people to afford their own homes and get them into those barracks.

Fishermen are being targeted as well.

From next year, fishing licenses will be issued based on how environmentally friendly their trawlers are – solely based on the “opinion” of inspectors.

It won’t be long, the Dutch fishers say, before no-one will be permitted to hold a fishing licence.

The ‘old normal’, and everything in it, is to be torn down, scrapped.

It’s not just happening in the Netherlands, but everywhere.

I have no doubt there are plans in a drawer somewhere, for a TriState here in Queensland.

A megacity metropolis where everything will be controlled and micromanaged: housing, food, water, education, reproduction and health.

One large ‘sustainable’ Gulag.

With no room for farmers.

Or animals.

Or freedom.

No Room for Dutch Farmers in TriState Megacity – YouTube