Tax & Fees
Reduce state taxes and fees that are an unnecessary burden on the industry;
Queensland has suffered a massive blow to its economy due to lockdowns and restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Industries have been stalled, people have lost jobs and the State has been plunged into massive debt. The economy was put into hibernation but the debt clock keeps ticking over faster than ever.
Recovering from this disaster will not be easy. It will take a comprehensive strategic plan to kick-start the economy and get the State moving again. That’s where KickStart Queensland comes in – a strategy that focuses on doing whatever it takes to get our key industries firing. These are urgent steps that must be taken to ensure the viability of jobs and to encourage a resurgence in manufacturing and industry.
Queenslanders have been left exposed by successive governments through an irresponsible policy of spending that has ballooned debt to unprecedented levels. To get the revenue flowing, Queensland needs to remove the impediments to productivity, including red tape, green tape, excessive costs and, often, the government itself. The Queensland government needs to get out of the way and let Queensland shine like it used to.
Reduce state taxes and fees that are an unnecessary burden on the industry;
Eliminate unnecessary government ‘red tape’ that holds up projects and progress
Support local manufacturing that provides essentials so jobs are kept in Australia and in Queensland.
Scrap wasteful expenditure such as the 2032 Brisbane Olympics bid
Stop paying external consultants for jobs that the government should be doing
Scrutinise Queensland’s bloated Non-Governmental Organisations sector.
Protect frontline staff wages while freezing bloated middle-management state sector wages.
Redirect community work programs to fill labour shortages on farms.
Scrap international and UN aid programs and reject UN interference in sovereign affairs
Ban all foreign land purchases and restrict foreign investment to investment, rather than purchase
Getting government out of the way and supporting small businesses who create jobs and build the State.
Return transparency and accountability to government, including the re-establishment of the upper house
Increase public safety and penalties for youth crime and looters and address the root causes of youth crime
Replace Queensland’s focus on public sector jobs with trade-based apprenticeships
Apply a ‘Use-It or Lose-It’ policy of 12 months on approved mining applications.
Amend vegetation management laws to restore Queensland primary producers’ rights and viability.
Encourage people to buy local and reduce waste.
Drop the destructive Greens ideology that stops industries and attack foundations of our successful society built on democracy and capitalism
Build new water infrastructure and deliver affordable water for farms and industry
Make Queensland self-sufficient and an economic powerhouse based on affordable and reliable electricity
Getting a fair share for regional Queenslanders so industries can compete and prosper and regional families are not disadvantaged